Wollongong Naturopath, Naturopathic Clinic, Wollongong Nutritionist

A bit about me


Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)

Certificate in Natural Fertility

Billings Ovulation Method® Practitioner (in progess)

Professional Association:

Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd

Liz graduated from Endeavour College with a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy and is a full member with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. She has also completed studies in Fertility awareness and is a certified Natural Fertility Practitioner. 

Liz’s interests are varied and range from women’s health to sports nutrition, as she believes there is a place for natural health in all aspects of our lives. As life unfolds, we often realise there is no destination to complete and perfect health and wellness, rather our intricate bodies need continual, but changing support and nourishment. It is her priority to support this journey with simple and personalised naturopathic advice and treatment.

My Approach

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine may be a part of your consult prescription. The rationale informing Liz’s personalised naturopathic prescription is underpinned by both current scientific literature and thousands of years of traditional evidence.

Nutritional supplementation

Nutrition is the bedrock of our everyday health. It is also a foundational therapeutic avenue in many states of disease. You may be recommended nutritional powders, tablets or capsules as part of your individulised treatment plan.

Collaborative Care

Liz often works collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors, to ensure comprehensive care for individuals. This may involve coordinating care and integrating treatments from multiple modalities.

Dietary recommendations

Our diets are essential in providing our daily nutrients and minerals impacting our short and long-term health. Simple, educative and non-judgemental dietary guidance will be provided in consults.

Functional testing

Liz may recommend various laboratory tests to assess hormone levels, thyroid function, adrenal health, nutrient deficiencies, gut health, and immune function. These tests help identify any imbalances or dysfunctions contributing to how you are feeling.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a system of healing that focuses on the root cause of your condition.

Viewing you as a whole-person, your Naturopath seeks balance with your body through herbal and nutritional medicine. After rigorous casetaking with our long-consultation format, we gain a holistic veiw of your condition and with the consideration of the interplay of body systems as well as mind and spirit; we individualise and tailor treatment to you.

The practice of nutrition and herbalism is informed by traditional literature, as well as current scientific research and clinical trials. It is a gentle, natural approach that works with your body instead of suppressing or overiding its inherent intelligence. In order to establish the root cause, you may be recommended diet diaries, pathology testing (through your GP) or functional testing such as Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis or GI-Map (etc.) to further investigate your health.

Philosophy of practice

  1. First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere)

  2. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturea) 

  3. Identify & Treat the Cause (Tolle causam)

  4. Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)

  5. Doctor as Teacher (Docere) 

  6. Prevention (Preventare) 

How can Natural Medicine help you?

Naturopathic remedies Herbal supplements Detoxification programs Lifestyle counselling Nutritional supplements Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ayurvedic medicine  Naturopathic diagnostic testing
  • Symptoms may include:

    Extreme, debilitating fatigue

    Poor concentration, brain fog

    Headaches, joint pain

  • Gut pain


    Food intolerances

    Microbiome testing

    Chronic reflux

  • Anxiety


    Sleep problems


  • Thyroid support



    Support for coming off the oral contraceptive pill



    Preconception support

    Painful periods

  • Support for stress

    Increasing energy and mental clarity

    Support for performance

  • Eczema





    Dry skin

Naturopathic remedies Herbal supplements Detoxification programs Lifestyle counselling Nutritional supplements Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ayurvedic medicine  Naturopathic diagnostic testing
  • Food sensitivities

    Topical and systemic allergies


  • Systemic Lupus

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Coeliac disease

    Hashimotos, Cushing & Graves’ disease

  • Optimise performance

    Sports nutrition principles for injury reduction and muscle recovery