
Wollongong Naturopath, Naturopathic Clinic, Wollongong Nutritionist, Thirroul Naturopath, Bulli Naturopath, Corrimal Naturopath, In person Consults, Holisitic Health, Ferility Naturopath, Alternative Medicine, Herbalist, South Coast Naturopath


Face-to-face consults are available in Thirroul at Thirroul Natural Healing just north of Wollongong.

Wollongong Naturopath, Naturopathic Clinic, Wollongong Nutritionist, Thirroul Naturopath, Bulli Naturopath, Corrimal Naturopath, In person Consults, Holisitic Health, Ferility Naturopath, Alternative Medicine, Herbalist, South Coast Naturopath


Telehealth consults via Zoom are also available upon request. Simply go to contact to request an online appointment.

Naturopathic Services

  • This consult is all about you, as we develop a holistic health assessment.

    Prescriptions may include dietary or lifestyle changes and/or herbal and nutritional supplements.

    Referral to medical professionals or pathology testing may be recommended.

  • A revision of your health plan and new test results (if relevant) to ensure you maintain the path to healing.

  • This is a short consult for acute conditions such as colds/flus.

Areas of interest…

  • Fertility Naturopath, Womens Health Naturopath, Wollongong Naturopath, South Coast Naturopath, PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), Menopause, Preconception Care, Fertility Support, Fertility Awareness, Pregnancy Support

    Womens Health

    PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), Menopause, Preconception Care, Fertility Support, Fertility Awareness, Pregnancy Support

  • Wollongong Naturopath, Thirroul Naturopath, Liz Gandy Naturopath, South Coast Naturopath,  IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Peptic Ulcers, Food sensitivites, Chronic bloating, Reflux, Liver Health Support, Diverticulitis, Gut Microbiome testing (GI Map)

    Gut Health

    IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Peptic Ulcers, Food sensitivites, Chronic bloating, Reflux, Liver Health Support, Diverticulitis, Gut Microbiome testing (GI Map)

  • Wollongong Naturopath, Thirroul Naturopath, Alternative medicine wollongong, Wollongong Herbalist, Wollongong Nutrititionist Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Recurrent Cold Sores, Hives, Shingles

    Skin Health

    Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Recurrent Cold Sores, Hives, Shingles

  • Wollongong Naturopath, Thirroul Naturopath, South Coast Naturopath, Corrimal Naturopath, Wollongong Herbalist Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Sleep Disorders, Chronic pain

    Nervous System Health

    Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Sleep Disorders, Chronic pain